Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 12a

Weight: 145.8
Overnight: -1.0
Overall: -33.2

B: apple
L: grilled chicken
D: Heaven chicken, Wasa, apple

Much better! Happy to announce the fluids are flowing, and apparently that's making a difference! Today I drank so much water I'm going to have to slosh to bed, but oh well. I also had 2 Frescas & water w/ Crystal Light. I was in the car a lot today. :)
Wore pants today that I'd never worn before. Wasn't able to get them more than half-way up my thighs a couple months ago. And with the exception of right at the waistline they looked pretty baggy! Yes, still carrying quite the gut. But wow, is that ever a difference - worrying about my gut instead of my thunder thighs!
This morning I had a counseling session with Jenny. She is awesome. She knows how to push me, and that's what she did this morning. She helped me throw away my "fat" clothes. It was hard. Really hard. I feel silly that it was, but it really was. And now that it's over I feel so much better! Like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. She said that in the end it wasn't about the actual clothes, but what they represented to me. I kept trying to argue that I was attempting to be cost-efficient should I again need their services. Yeah. Didn't fly. I think for me they were my safety net. Should I fail, should I be fat, I would have something to "hide" it. Okay, I still think there is merit to having clothes on hand so you don't have to run out to the store. BUT, Jenny wisely pointed out the cost these clothes were causing me - filling up my room/closet/storage space. AND it was undermining my ability to succeed right now.
When you put it that way... !
Anyway, ended up getting rid of 2 garbage bags of clothes + 1 box of shoes (kids' stuff included). Ahhhhh. Feels good.


  1. YAY! a whole pound!!! I'm so glad things are moving again! pun intended:)
    That's cool your extending, you have the most amazing determination! Go Go Go! Strike while the iron is hot! Make hay while the sun shines! How many cliches can I think of???
    I'll get back to you.....

  2. Lis, you crack me up!
    As for extending, I figure if I don't finish it off now I may never come back. I know there are a lot of people who really like eating on this diet. I'm just not one of them!
