Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 30a

Weight: 139.0
Overnight: 0.0
Overall: -40.0

B: none
S: apple
L: "Tea Party" (w/ my daughters): cooked chicken bites, oven-roasted squash/zucchini, Fresca
D: squash/zucchini & tomato saute, apple, Xocai (I know, not a smart move, but I'm hungry!!)

Okay, it could have been worse. It could have gone up. And I was afraid it might since I used some no-no sprays of oil to cook my food last night. Not much, but then, it doesn't take much. Plus I ate some Xocai chocolate. No sugar, but extra calories - although I didn't eat my 2nd protein. I don't know. Anyway, I'm just glad it didn't go up. I feel bad. Like I'm wasting my opportunity to lose by not being more strict. But honestly, I've been on this diet almost 70 days and that's with only an 8 day maintenance break in there. So, I am kinda getting burned out on it. Plus I'm 10 days past what I "paid for," so anything more is just because I'm trying to get more mileage out of it. But then if I waste it... ?
I need to stop thinking about it.

*Okay, about the Tea Party - it was a hoot to begin with, but really it taught me a lesson. I pulled out the fancy tea set from Grandma and made up a super cute luncheon for the girls, had my food, and then we all ate together. I was amazed that by the time I was half-way through my veggies I was feeling full. Maybe 'cause I was taking longer? Serving more, but smaller portions? I don't know, but for whatever the reason, I think there was a lesson in there somewhere. Like Mary's mom always says, "Presentation is EVERYTHING!"


  1. That looks like it was so much fun! i need to do stuff like that with my kids more. Horray for feeling full! That's awesome! I do think that most of the time I don't stop and enjoy what I'm eating, I'm too distracted. This diet has definantly taught me to think about what I'm putting in my mouth!!!

  2. ps
    you said the hcg lasts 60 days. Could you take a maintinence break in there and still use it before it goes bad? My place talked about becoming immune to it from using it to much and I don't want that to happen to you!

  3. I know - the whole immune thing is something I wondered about. I asked and B-Ki says that for some reason their formula/dose/whatever makes that a highly unlikely scenario. In fact, they said I could stay on this diet for as long as I wanted and never be in danger of immunity or losing too much. Apparently, the hcg will only allow your body to lose weight that is over what is healthy. So you can't go crazy and get emaciated or anything.
    As for becoming immune, the break they say you need to take after 40 days is 6 weeks long. I've been on the program 72 days (w/ an 8-day break inserted in there), and it doesn't appear that I'm immune. Sooooooo, yeah. And my Rx wouldn't last that long - in fact, it's only "good" until around June 5. I figure I'll use it up 'til then and then I'll be done. Any weight to lose after that will have to be on my own.
