Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 29a

Weight: 139.0
Overnight: -1.0
Overall: -40.0

B: none
L: apple
D: chicken, squash/zucchini & tomato saute (all cooked with little sprays of pam)
S: apple

Back down. Good thing! I was worried that all those dried apples last night would have a bad effect. Mostly because I can't really judge how much I've eaten in comparison to a "medium-sized apple." Whew!
Forgot to inject this morning. Well, not so much forgot as slept in and had to rush out the door to get Andrea to school, then went marketing. By the time I got home it was way too late. Oh well. Wow, so I'm really lazy. I'd like to eat something, but I just don't want to fix it. I realized as I was at the store today that I'd reach for something, then think about the preservatives & junk in it and how I could avoid that by just making it from scratch. So I'd put it back. Problem is, I'm too lazy to make everything from scratch. Blast! Something I really need to change if I'm going to change our family eating habits.

1 comment:

  1. WHOOT WHOOT 40 POUNDS! That's AWESOME!!! I know what you mean about the making it from scratch thing. It is cheaper but a lot more work!
