Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 17a

Weight: 143.6
Overnight: -0.6
Overall: -35.4

B: Fresca
L: apple, grilled sirloin, water

Still going down! Yippee! Actually, I weighed a couple hours later after using the potty & had gone down even more, but soas not to have a disappointment tomorrow I'm sticking with the first one. Is that lame? I don't know. Oh well if it is. Gotta say though, progress makes all the difference in the world when it comes to my resolve. Today I'm wearing some adidas warm-up pants I haven't worn since for, sheesh, years. I don't even know how many. But I love these pants. They're the kind the cool kids would wear in junior high. With the 3 stripes down the side instead of the 2-striped generic brand I had. Funny how things like that were so important. Or so I thought.
progress feels good. I just have to remember not to look at food ads. They're killer. This morning I made pumpkin muffins (YUM!) for Andrea to take to school for Teacher Appreciation Week. I handled it okay, but when she asked me to make choc. chip cookies as well I think I shed a little tear. ;)


  1. A loss is a loss!!! That's awesome! and yay, for adidas pants. I myself have never owned any. Just like I never owned any girbaud jeans in Jr. High, sigh, I was soooo not cool!

  2. Ah, Girbaud. How funny. I remember very clearly trying with all the persuasiveness of a tween/teen to show my mom the logical reasoning behind purchasing a pair. Never happened. I can only imagine the amount of eye-rolling and patience/restraint she must've demonstrated that day!
