Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 34a

Weight: 138.4
Overnight: +0.2
Overall: -40.6

B: none
L: grilled chicken bits,
S: apple

Boo. I'm going to stick with yesterday's weigh-in of 138.2 so that today I didn't go up quite so much. How depressing! I can't imagine why I'm GAINING weight. I didn't even eat any Xocai yesterday. Didn't go over on my food.
I don't get it. And I'm super frustrated. And this morning I took my kids to an activity where I watched them frost, decorate & eat yummy cupcakes and it was killing me. And when I got home I checked my email and had a note of concern from a friend. As far as the numbers go, this 2nd half hasn't been nearly as productive as the 1st. And now I'm moving in the wrong direction. Maybe my body really is burned out. My mind sure is. I left this morning before I had a chance to inject -- running late (as always!). So maybe this is a good time to call it quits? Call yesterday my LIW (last injection weight), and count today as the first of the 3 days after the last injection?
The only problem is that I went UP! I really don't want to end going up. But I'm afraid I might keep going up? AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!


  1. Danget for going up! I'm sorry, that really sucks. I think it's a wise move going off the injections. You have lost a good amount of weight and after you reset your metabolism, you can still lose weight on your own! You're awesome and I can't even believe you did it this long. You must of will power of steel! I'm only on day 10 and I'm losing it here. Don't worry about going out on an "up" it was a very little weight and it should come off easy! LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. Wow, I really needed to hear that! Thanks for the support. And the encouragement to finally stop. Sorry if you're having a hard time. It is hard. It sucks. Especially with little kids. Hang in there. As much as I mope and all, I am still incredibly grateful for the weight-loss!!
