Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 18a

Weight: 142.0
Overnight: -1.6
Overall: -37.0

B: apple
L: none
D: grilled chicken, apple
S: FF/SF choc. pudding (not protocol approved)

Woo Hoo! 1.6 lbs? That's awesome! SOOOOO excited! This is definitely the kind of progress that keeps me excited - keeps me pumped to continue.
I'm also starting to recognize a pattern. I plateau for a week or so - almost like I'm "working things out," and then I drop. Frustrating at the time, but as long as I know there is a drop in the future I think I can handle it a little better from now on.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Crap! 1.6! That's awesome! I was talking to my friend who's done it and she said she would not lose anything for 2-3 days and then lose 2 pounds 2 days in a row, then nothing for 2-3 days and so on. That's so interesting how it does a pattern like that. That's good that you figured that out!
