Tuesday, May 25, 2010


LIW: 138.2
Weight: 137.2
Overnight: +1.0

Well, I figured it was some kind of fluke yesterday! Nice though. But I'm okay with the gain. Somehow I don't actually think it will last. Yesterday I didn't really eat until dinner, and then I over-did it. And I felt it. I don't want to do that again. Even this morning - it didn't take much at all for me to feel full. Stuffed, really. So I'm going to be careful not to do that.
I have read (from Pounds & Inches) that this is not the time to try to skimp on calories. Right now is when my body is establishing my metabolism - how many calories to burn per day. If I skimp right now I'll be setting my "burn rate" pretty low. Then if I don't keep it low I'll gain. On the other hand, if I am reasonable, as long as I don't go over the 2 lbs, then I'll be establishing a calorie/day that I can continue and live with -- my best chance to keep this weight off.

BTW, I'm taking a cue from Marilyn and not listing my food - on here anyway. I think that would be too mean to anyone on protocol. But I am going to try really hard to keep track of calories. Not sure yet how I'll manage that. We'll see.


  1. I do think it's so important to listen to your body's cues and to stop eating when we are full. Could you imagine how many calories that would save us? And don't sweat the 1 pound. I think THAT's a fluke!!!

  2. Key point: Avoid Sugar & Starch like the plague for the neext 21 days! (Imagine that in Bold type)

    Other than that, I think you will be just fine. You've got the right idea. Reset your hypo....(big word, whatever). What you do during these next 3 weeks, will set you for life. (And wouldn't it be nice to be set at appr. 135 lbs?)

    I can hear 'em now..."Oh Net can eat ANYTHING, and never gain a pound! How does she do it?"
