Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 32a

Weight: 137.6
Overnight: -0.8
Overall: -41.4

B: none
S: apple
L: apple, grilled chicken
D: Heaven chicken, apple, Fresca, Xocai (3)
S: 1/2 apple, some dried apples

Didn't inject. Too late in the morning (I got a really late start). Oh well - that's just one day longer I can stretch this out! And I totally will seeing as I'm making progress! Almost a whole pound! That's fantastic! And I've been steadily losing for a few days in a row now! Although, I do have to wonder if it has a little something to do with the Xocai I'm taking. I shouldn't be eating it right now since it's not protocol-approved. It's dark chocolate that is fat-free, sugar-free and has so many health benefits it's crazy. It has an unbelievable/un-equalled amount of anti-oxidants, and my sister swears it's making her lose weight. BUT, her friend figures it probably prevented her from losing more weight when she was on this diet (I think this was the diet she was on - not positive). The facts are a little fuzzy. Anyway, 1 serving is 3 squares, which I've been eating for the last couple days. Yesterday, though, I ate 8! Whoops. I was just really munchy! And too lazy to cook my 2nd protein. In fact, the last few days I haven't had both my proteins. Wonder if THAT has anything to do with my losses?
Ah! Too many factors. I'll just be thankful and move on!

okay, I'm starving - mentally, physically, whatever. I don't know what it is, but I am just having such a major attack of the munchies - it's killing me! If I could just eat raw carrots I would, but I can't even do that. I've already gone over w/ my apples. Not happy to see how that will play out tomorrow morning. Although (WARNING: TMI), I have had the runs all day. ALL day. Starting to wonder if the caster oil is not such a good idea? Although, isn't it better to get it all out? Ach! Hate that I don't know everything!


  1. Holy moses. Well, I'm glad you lost. And I'm sorry you have the runs! lol, that's the worst. Can you get an appetite suppressant? I love mine. Although I'm thinking of not taking it tomorrow, we'll see. I think you're burned out. I'm sorry! You need to find something to munch! Ummmmmmm.......yeah I can't think of anything either. argh...

  2. You've done so well during this (almost 3 months) period. Who would blame you for having the "munchies." I think that is a good sign. My 2--cent: I think that we need to be careful that we do not slip into anerexic behavior of being able to easily go days without eating. So "the munchies" is a good sign. I kind of envy your "runs." This is day #3 with nothing moving for me (you know what I mean). I did mineral oil, last night---nothing! I guess I need to try something more severe.
