Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 11a

Weight: 146.8
Overnight: +0.2
Overall: -32.2

B: none
L: apple

Okay, this is getting ridiculously out of hand. What is going on?! I've had plateaus before, and even gained once or twice, but never like this. Never this much. I don't know what the deal is, but I don't like it! My only thought - maybe when I shaved yesterday & used regular conditioner instead of the approved stuff? Maybe because yesterday both servings of protein were "processed" - even though I've done that before w/ no consequences, and these are the "all-natural" and "minimally processed" meat. And I didn't even finish it all. Just in case.
Trying to decide whether to do an apple day or not. I'm so hungry. I don't know if I can handle it. Blasted! Maybe I should call BKi and ask them??


Just called BKi. Feel a little better. Something that I don't track on this blog, and probably should, is my water intake. I've been pretty bad at drinking all the required water. So in the last few days I've tried to up it. Not tried, I have. But I haven't been peeing anymore frequently, so Heather says not to panic. Take my protease. Keep drinking. Keep peeing. Pee out the fat. Ok. I can do that. I will try not to panic. I will drink my water. And I will pee for all that I'm worth!


  1. Get Peeing!!!! Hopefully once it comes out and you weigh yourself you will have a loss! (crossing my fingers)

  2. How come it said you were only 3 days away from ending protocol but now it says 11? Was it wrong? Or are you extending?

  3. I meant 21 not 11. And does it weird you out that I check this multiple times a day? lol You're like a reality show! haha, love it.

  4. I'm extending. I'm not down to the weight I want/need to be yet. And, um, I LOVE that you not only check it but comment! LOVE! Makes me feel encouraged, motivated, and yes, like a reality star!
