Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 26a

Weight: 140.0
Overnight: -0.6
Overall: -39.0

B: none
L: apple
S: apple
D: broccoli

So.... yesterday didn't quite work out the way I'd imagined. I didn't inject, but you still have to wait 72 hrs before eating the maintenance-allowed foods. Even then, sugar & starches are still taboo. So with all the best intentions, I took Angela to lunch at Chili's. What's that saying? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
I just ordered a salad! Riiight. If only it were that simple. Turns out the BBQ Chicken Salad has 1060 calories, 63g fat, 50g carbs.
Ummm, yeah.
So I promptly went home and puked it all up.
Ok. I don't intend to make this a habit. Really. I truly was in pain, though. It wasn't a smart move. Oh, but did it ever taste good!
Point being, it was still more cals than I was allowed in 2 days. Not to mention the carbs! So I purged and then just didn't eat anything else the rest of the day. Just in case.
And apparently it worked, because I did go down. 140! Hooray! That's enough to keep me going through the rest of my syringes.
So, back on the wagon. Injected today. Eating my apples. Skipped lunch, but only because I got distracted w/ company. I'm a little sad I won't be eating regularly for that much longer. This diet is really disrupting family meals and therefore the kids' routines.
Sorry, kiddos. Hang in there - Mom is almost done.


  1. Ok. But I can I just say.... WHAT? Ok look, I love you but I think you're playing with fire! If you start purging now what happens if you feel bad again and keep doing it? I know I know, you've only done it this once, I hope, I'm more concerned about the psychological implications and lasting effects. I'm sooooo calling you when I can!!!! But can I just say....1lb away from 40lbs!!!!!!

  2. I know what you're saying about playing with fire. And, honestly, that was the 2nd time on this diet; 4th time in my life (one of those times trying to get out of going to work). I know I have to be careful. It really does seem to be a "quick fix" - or actually, a way to erase a mistake.
    I do know the dangers of it. I know how bad it is physiologically, even if I don't know the psychology behind it. Although, I do know it's addictive. I'll be careful. I promise.

  3. This is what I worry about, people start purging when they feel a loss of control. They love feeling in control and so they want to take control of the "situation" they've put themselves in (like eating unhealthy)and so they "take charge" of the situation and purge to take back control instead of paying the natural consequences. I know you and control...and I could see how that would get easier and easier to do so you could "take control" of your eating. Sigh.....BE CAREFUL! The physical side effects are horrific. Man, you worry me!!!
