Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 27a

Weight: 139.2
Overnight: -0.8
Overall: -39.8

B: apple
L: dried apple slices
D: grilled sirloin, broccoli
S: broccoli

I'm FINALLY in the 130s! Okay, just barely, but still! Hooray! Last night I actually had to go to the store and get some new pants since I officially don't have any that fit! Size 10 baby! Oh yeah. I look smokin' hot in them, too!
By the way, I have no size 10 because I sorta skipped this size. I went from 8 to pregnant and didn't get back before I was pregnant again. And while I do have sweats and all, I do live in Texas and it is summer and, well, you get the idea.
Anyway, this totally gives me enthusiasm to finish out the rest of what I have left. Because, oh yeah, did I mention? Also on my period. And still lost. !! Of course, I realize that by saying this I am completely setting myself up for another huge plateau and mega disappointment. Hmmm. Oh well. I'll deal with it when I get there, but for right now I am definitely celebrating!


  1. Well hellloooo there Miss 139! That's so awesome! I don't even remember EVER being in the 130s! That is SO awesome! I don't remember seeing you eat broccoli before, can you eat broccoli on protocol? I hope so, I love it!

  2. Oh yes you can. So... have you started? Are you starting? What's going on? When are you going to call me?! I'm dyin' here!!
