Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 35a

Weight: 138.2
Overnight: -0.2
Overall: 40.8

B: none
L: apple, grilled chicken bits
S: apple
D: apple
*had 6 Xocai today

Glad I went down, even just a little bit. Felt like last night I overly stuffed myself. Did not feel good at all. Still have anxiety about ending the diet - whether or not I can keep the weight off -, but I am too burned out to continue. Tomorrow hopefully I'll be able to get an impromptu appt with B-Ki.
Just got home from an OA (overeaters anonymous) meeting. They're always good. I'm just always terrified that I need to be there - like, on a more permanent basis - actually do the program: get a sponsor, practice the abstinence, eat the menu given, etc. And I don't know if I can do it. But I don't want to be one of those people I hear at the meetings that spiraled so out of control before they found OA . I guess, I'm just really scared that this weight came off "easily" and so it'll go back on just as fast. How do I combat this?


  1. Net, know that I am keeping you in prayer--that you will receive peace of mind in this journey. OA may be a good tool for your continued quest. To quote Oprah, "It's not what you are eating, but what's eating you, that is causing the weight problem."

    There is no doubt that you can exercise discipline & self control (just look over the last two months of menus). Even your "cheats" are mild (compared to mine). You HAVE accomplished! You ARE victorious! And You DO have the discipline to maintain...just modify your VLCD menu. Remember,you will be monitoring everyday...and if (or when) you do gain more than 2 lbs, you do a modified VLCD day called a "Steak day" to get back to your LIW. You've got what it takes--you can do it--you've already accomplished the hardest part.

  2. Thank you Marilyn! You have a lot more confidence in me than I have in myself. Thank you for the prayers. I think those will be more effective than anything! I guess a lot of it is just committing to a new lifestyle of eating, and that is scary because it's new and different. Anyway, thanks again. Your support is so comforting and helps me so much. THANK YOU!
