Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 23a

Weight: 142.0
Overnight: -0.2
Overall: -37.0

B: none
L: grilled sirloin, Wasa
D: a whole lot of dried apple slices

Seriously? -0.2? After all the time I spent in the bathroom yesterday (I know, TMI. Sorry) I was seriously expecting to drop 5 lbs! Yesterday I started taking my frozen castor oil pills - to help my colon heal. They told me if I froze them then they'd make it through the stomach acid intact and on to my colon so instead of acting as a laxative they'd act as a stimulant. Hmm, kinda sounds the same, doesn't it? Anyway, it sure did feel the same yesterday! I mean, dang.
Back to my original gripe - I thought for sure I'd go down more. At least I went down. I don't know. Maybe I am growing immune to the effects of the hcg. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel. I just REALLY wanted to make it down to the 30s before I quit. Ideally I'd have made it to the 20s, but clearly that isn't going to happen. Oh well. There are other ways to lose weight, right? Especially now that I have such a good head-start? I just feel ... cheated.


  1. Dude, frozen castor oil pills? That's intense. But seriously, Maybe your body IS getting used to it, I don't know. It seems like those losses are harder to come by these days. Maybe you ARE about to get your period, how does that affect everything? It's up to you, maybe you could try and ride out this week, or, if possible, go on maintanence for 3 weeks and keep the needles and then try again. Do they keep? I don't know if that's possible at this point. So I made my appt for Thurs at 3! We haven't decided what to do about the road trip, we'll probably just put it off until after. I feel like this is a bigger priority and we can always push back seeing the fam for a few weeks.

  2. BTW, 37 pounds is a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!!!!!! You didn't quite make your goal in one go, but from what I've read, most people don't. You have other trys and other things you can do!!!! And I was just reading this article and thought it was interesting, but they've probably told you all this stuff already.

  3. Thanks, Lis. The medicine is only "good" for 60 days, so it won't keep if I take a break. Otherwise I probably would have gone that route. But I'm not willing/able to pay for a 2nd round. You're right, though, 37 lbs is a big accomplishment. I hate that it's being tarnished by hopes/expectations. Blasted!
    I have to admit, though, the excitement over the diet is gone. Originally it was super hard but super worth it because I was losing so drastically. Now that I'm not even losing??? I really miss regular food. :(
    I'm trying not to be too big a downer, because I'm really excited for you! It's going to be tough, but I will be right here cheering you on! And I'm really excited to see what kind of results you get. Hooray!
