Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 20a

Weight: 141.8
Overnight: +0.6
Overall: -36.2

B: apple
L: grilled chicken, roasted squash/zucchini, ff/sf pudding (not much, but still. shouldn't have)
D: roasted squash/zucchini, pudding - more than a little

This is getting annoying...
I'm annoyed...


Going to try to ignore it -- after I hurry and vent! : ) The thing is, on Thursday I went and got a colonic done. 1st ever. Ummm, yeah. That was an experience! When Mark asked what a colonic was I told him it was an enema that lasted 1.5 hrs. His eyes went wide & he started choking. Funny. Men can be such pansies. Anyway, I had it done because I've been plagued all my life by digestive problems. Call it Irritable Bowel if you will. But I was getting sick of it. And rather than doing a cleanse or a colonoscopy or whatever else, I chose this route.
I had to stop it early because it was getting too painful. Oddly enough, it was a good thing. They were able to diagnose my problem (TMI warning: a part of my colon was stretched out, making a subsequent part of the colon too small, so things would get blocked and built up until it HAD to push through, which would feel super fun!, and then I'd be fine again).
You'd think with such a "cleansing" I'd drop some weight??? You'd think. And I did Friday. Even when I ate that jell-o pudding (albeit sf/ff and counted it as my 2nd protein for the day). But then to gain?! Aargh! So mad. So, so mad.
And the worst part of it was that I was up late last night (as usual) & put together a breakfast casserole in the crock-pot. Oh my, it smelled soooo good. Eggs, cheese, ham... waaaaa!

1 comment:

  1. Don't panic! Look at your pattern, you had 4 days (uh right?) of losses so hold tight for a few days! You know what's coming so don't freak out. Just keep to it!
    And WHOA about you digestive issues. That sucks!!! I'm sorry, at least you might have some answers?
