Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 33a

Weight: 137.8/138.2
Overnight: +0.2/+0.6
Overall: ...uh...not sure

B: none
L: apple, grilled chicken
D: grilled chicken, pickle
S: apple

So. Time to pay the piper, huh? I guess there's a reason you shouldn't eat more than the diet allows. As for the weird weigh-in -- I weighed early this morning, before I was really ready to wake up. I do this a lot - kind of a "preview." Then I go back to sleep and do my official weigh-in when I'm actually up for the day. The 2nd weigh-in is almost always less, if not the same. Until today. Not sure how I gained 0.4 lbs by sleeping in!! Then again, I've lost weight taking a shower before, so who knows?!
Lisa, Marilyn, thank you for your comments. I really appreciate the support. I am burned out, for sure. It's a battle every day not to talk myself out of quitting early. "Early" meaning I still have needles and hcg I could use and choose not to. For me, the hardest part of this diet is the family factor. I'm still making meals for my kids; still trying to make dinner for the fam. Trying being the operative word. My low energy and high desires for food has equaled complete disruption to our schedule. It has been really hard on our family. Doesn't help in the battle of "should I or should I not continue?"
As for having the runs, I'm tossing around a theory in the back of my mind about this being all the junk that I didn't get out during the colonic because of my weird issue. Now that I'm using the castor oil, that's supposedly helping the problem and now maybe it's all coming out? ??? I did a whole lot of internet researching last night on castor oil, and everywhere I could find, it said if you take the capsules frozen (as I am), it will not act as a diuretic. Hmmm. Also says you won't have the tell-tale stomach cramping -- which I haven't. So, again, who knows?
Regardless, I am still mystified as to how I could possibly GAIN weight when I "evacuated" so dang much yesterday.
But I think if I keep thinking about all this my head is likely to explode. So I'd better stop. ;)

1 comment:

  1. dude, that's WEIRD! I wouldn't even know what to think! Let's just take the first weigh in and call it a day? Ok. I really don't even know what would make you gain. But it's not a lot, but maybe it was a fluke? No idea!
    And thanks for the shoutout :)
