Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 15a

Weight: 145.6
Overnight: 0.0
Overall: -33.4

B: none
L: grilled chicken, apple
S: green beans, dried apple slices
D: apple, Wasa

This is getting annoying. Why won't it move? I feel like I've been stuck in this rut now for a week! And it's not that I'm so unhappy with where I'm at, but just that if I'm going to keep doing this protocol I'd really like to see some results please!
Don't get me wrong - I'd still recommend this program to anyone who is desperate to lose the weight. But don't think it's going to be a walk in the park. It's hard. It's not fun. It's pretty monotonous. It's also worth it.
Just wish I could see some movement. On a happier note, I'm wearing some pants today that are on the slim side of size 12; very fitted. And I look AWESOME. : )


  1. Seriously!!! Is your scale broken? I think you should start measuring! I'm sure it's making a difference somewhere! Maybe you have to switch something up somewhere. Like find some new recipes or have a heavy protein day, I don't know!

  2. BTW, I think a picture of the jeans is called for!
