Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 7a

Weight: 146.4
Overnight: -0.6
Overall: -32.6

B: none
L: apple, grilled chicken, Wasa
D: grilled chicken, Wasa

Went to my 2nd Overeaters Anonymous meeting tonight. It was really good. Even better was my talk w/ _ in the driveway afterwards. Seems I am still trying to escape. Not being able to use food makes it a little harder, but I've easily found other ways to escape: computer, tv, sleep, shopping. Why can't cleaning my house be a great escape? Somehow that never quite makes the list. And neither does dishes or laundry. Hmmm. Wouldn't that be great if you could re-program yourself to where anytime you were bored, frustrated or however else you get in a funk - rather than having a desire to eat/veg/etc you desired to clean? I'm almost afraid at how clean my house would be. Almost. Alas, life is not that easy.
In any event, I'm pretty sure I need to conquer this rut I'm in, or after the diet I'll just put everything back on.

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