Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 10a

Weight: 146.6
Overnight: 0.0
Overall: -32.4

B: none
L: none
D: 3 slices turkey, apple, Wasa

AAaahhh! Staying the same? Even after I skipped an injection? Lame! Am I starting to get immune to it? Even still, I shouldn't be GAINING weight and staying there when I'm only eating 500 calories a day! Grrr.
What really sucks about lack of progress is when the temptation comes. Like, say, when we go to a Meet & Greet at the park and they bring pizza. Not too tough, right? Sip my water, play with the kids, distract myself pretty well. The problem comes when they send extra pizza home with us. And Mark & the kids snack on it all night. And it smells so ridiculously good. And I love pizza. And I start to want to just bag this whole diet and gorge myself on the stuff! It makes me feel like crap. I hate that I'm still so crazy about food. My cravings are not gone. Better, yes. Gone, no. Not at all. Not by a long shot.
On a positive note, the jeans I wore to the park were some that I was trying to squish myself in a few months (and failed), and today they were BAGGY!! Yay!
Ok. Maybe I do feel a little better. : )


  1. It's better than gaining though right????
    Man, that does suck, I'm sorry. But baggy jeans, yay! I wonder if you're losing inches instead? When do you get measured again?

    I'm amazed at your self control. I understand what you mean about food controlling you, but at the same time, it's a basic necessity! It's natural to feel hungry especially when you've been denying yourself for so long! So don't be so hard on yourself. I love the saying: Eat to live not live to eat. Moderation my friend. When you're not having to deny yourself every single temptation, and you're able to eat a little more normal, it's totally fine to have a small piece, bite, whatever. Just try to be satisfied with that small taste and then you're good! You're almost there!!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! Seriously needing it right now. I know it must sound ridiculous when I've already made so much progress, but wow - it's not easy. And Mark REALLY does not help. In fact, he makes it worse. Anyway, I think I get so frustrated because of the amount of weight I have to lose. How did I let it get so out of control? But if it's out of control then it wasn't in my control to control it? Maybe? :)
    I guess I'm just terrified that I won't ever be able to handle moderation. That it's either abstinence or obesity. Seriously. Terrified.

  3. Oh Netty. I know, it's hard and it sucks, especially when other things in life aren't really going your way, food is such a comfort! If I only I could practice what I preach! I would be amazingly happy and skinny! hahaha
