Monday, April 19, 2010

Okay I cracked

So hard going back on protocol! I ate the last of the Sweet Freedom fudge bars I was able to have on maintenance (no sugar, but has dairy).
Waiting until 9pm to eat was not smart. By then I was starving. I'm just too lazy. I hate thawing meat, weighing it, cooking it, and THEN eating it. And then cleaning up all the mess of having raw meat. Blast being lazy.


  1. Hey Net,
    seriously, SOOO inspired! You can do this! Here's a tip for the meat thing, thaw a whole package and cook up enough for 5 days. Meat keeps for up to 5 days in the fridge cooked. Then just throw it back on your table top grill or in a pan to cook with some liquid and you'll never know it's not fresh. That what we did when Jess did Atkins. It was SOOOOO much easier.

  2. "...Tessy yesterday who had dropped from size 24 to size 2"

    Who is "Tessy?" Was she on HCG protocol? I sure would like to hear more about her journey.

    You are doing Great. From 179 - 150!!! I am inspired. Question: Did you not have to do "Loading Days" when you resumed the injections? Maybe since your break was so short, "loading Days were not required. However, I can't imagine returning to VLCD without "Loading." FYI, maintenance is very boring (informational wise). I am staying around 179 (+,- 1-2 lbs). I don't even weigh every day. So, after Mother's Day, I will resume for one more round (about 35 more days) with the goal to lose 20-30 more pounds.

    Stay are an inspiration!
