Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 40

Weight: 151.2
Overnight: -1.8
Overall: -27.8


Yay! It worked - I went down!
Had another weigh/measure appt. today. Total inches lost is 42!! Holy cow. Finally actually feeling good about myself. Decided I will take a "maintenance" break. Turns out I don't have to break for 3 weeks - I can go shorter. And since I will still be in a 'metabolic state' I could possibly lose weight! And then I'll go right back to protocol w/o any binge days.
Yay - makes me feel a LOT better. I really didn't want to take the meds & syringes to Utah for the trip. On the plane could be a hassle, but more than that, I don't want to have to explain it to my family. They all know about our financial "situation." I already got ripped up and down from Mark; I don't need it from anyone else. Anyway, this way I can just tell them I'm on Atkins. That will work. And it makes me feel WAY better that I don't have to stop the weight loss entirely or delay it so long. So this is good.

I went to the ballet tonight and got all dressed up for it. First time in 3 years that I've felt attractive.

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