Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 21

Weight: 160.6
Overnight: -1.6
Overall: -18.4

B: none
L: none
D: none
**First day of period. Not taking an injection.

Miserable. The sore throat I got Thursday is all but killing me now. By the end of yesterday I had lost my voice more completely than I ever had before. The coughing didn't really start until nighttime and picked up considerably this morning. Hurts like the dickens! Didn't eat more than just an apple yesterday. Had my daily _____ and a Fresca last night. Helped when everyone else ate McDonald's -- in the car! Ah! Torture!
Last night I had a cough drop that surely was not protocol approved. I was desperate. We were at a play, and Mark said my breath was so bad he could barely stand it! That's embarrassing. Today I'm going to bread protocol again and make Tina's "Tinarita" magic sore throat cure. 2-3 Tbsp honey & cayenne + 1 c. lemon juice. Yummy.
Hope it's worth it.

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