Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 11

Weight: 178.0
Overnight: 0.0
Overall: -10.1

Boo hoo.
Not like I didn't know this was coming. Or shouldn't just count myself lucky that it didn't go up. But can you blame a girl for hoping?

Today's eating was a bit better. Tastier. I had taco seasoned ground turkey over spinach leaves with diced tomatoes. I tried it before, and while nice, just made me miss ketchup. So this time I busted out my 2-yr-old Walton Farms FF/SF ketchup. Hmmm. Wouldn't eat it on much, but on this it worked! TASTY! TASTY! Add that to my Heaven Chicken tonight (which I did a MUCH better job of preparing), and today was pretty great. Sure, I still had cravings. And my usual cherry Coke zero.s. And lots of sugarless gum. But I also didn't take the appetite suppressant, and haven't for a while. I figure I need to save them up. Also, Tracy came over and I talked to her about how to properly cook tilapia. Phew! Needed that! So hopefully tomorrow I can do a good job of that.

Must admit, I'm a little down about not having spectacular results. I know. I haven't been exactly absolute with the diet plan. But I'm still wearing the same pants. Same shirts. They're still unflatteringly tight. Tracy says she can see a definite change and difference -- that I don't look as "puffy." I'll admit I do think she's right. And my undies are fitting differently. And instead of one massive blob of a stomach I now have the 2 snowman bulges. Thing is, I'm now where I started out last time around. Eek. That's after losing 10 lbs! And I'm also more than 1/4 through. If I'm going to get back to where I was last time (and last time I went much longer than 40 days), I need to crank up the loss. But how? I'll go crazy if I can only eat chard or onion as my vegetable. Beets? Radishes? No thanks. I really need to experiment with the asparagus, it just intimidates me a bit. Grrrr.

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