Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Anyone else experiencing hair loss? Like, a LOT of hair loss?
It reminds me of after you've had a baby and after having your hair look so awesome during pregnancy, it all falls out. Makes me wonder, since it is the HCG hormone, is that why my hair is literally falling out at an alarming rate? Or do I need to be really worried?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Checking in

LIW: 138.4
Weight: 138.8

Weight is up from 137.6 yesterday, and 136.4 the day before. Clearly not a good trend, but I'm not TOO worried yet. I totally over-did it last week. Not just food-wise. I pulled 2 back-to-back all-nighters, and I'm sure that has to do damage somehow. Then yesterday I ate a kind of a lot of sweets. Hmmm, that's weird to me since it wasn't NEARLY as much as I normally would have eaten. I stopped after eating just 1 cookie after church (from the usual Father's day plate), then later I made oatmeal raisin cookie dough and had a couple spoon-fuls, and finally, 3 of those orange candy slices. I realize that is a lot... now. But I've never had the mentality before of treating yourself to just ONE cookie at the end of the day, maybe once a week. One cookie was like nothing to me. I'd eat them like potato chips. And I ate potato chips in an unhealthy way as well! Yeah, I know - it's a mystery how I gained so much weight, right? :)
Anyway, it's really a big wake-up call at how much work I still have left to do to re-program. I just wish I had a realistic idea of what healthy is. And realistic healthy at that. Anyone know? Anyone?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


LIW: 138.2
Weight: 138.8
Overnight: 0.0

Well, it seems all those apples didn't count against me. Good thing. I think the painful gas & bloating was/is punishment enough!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


LIW: 138.2
Weight: 138.8
Overnight: -0.2

I think I just figured something out. I've been stressing all day over how crappy I feel. I thought I waaaaayyyy over-did it last night. But then I went down on the scale. I considered doing a steak day just in case, but then I was too hungry. Then I decided I was feeling bloaty and munchy and craving chocolate because I'm probably close to starting my period. So all day I've been trying to not eat a lot. I finished the stuff I gorged myself on last night - a squash/zucchini/tomato & corn saute w/ cheese. Maybe 1 cup worth. Then I set in on the Xocai. Ate 6. Felt like a criminal. Mind you, these "chocolates" are made with agave nectar, so the sugar isn't refined - it's actually diabetic friendly - even helpful. And it has more antioxidants than I could get eating only broccoli for the next 2 weeks. So it's not like they're bad. They're not. But they taste good. And they have some calories. So I feel guilty. So then I start in on the dried apple pieces. And keep going. And going. And going. Until I finally realized tonight that in a little more than 24 hrs I have consumed an entire #10-can's worth of dried apples. That's the equivalent of 4.5 lbs fresh, sliced apples. Uhhh...

So I'm an idiot.

I couldn't figure out why I was cramping so bad, but not in a menstrual way. Or why I was having such gas pain. Or why I'm constantly running to the bathroom.

I did some online research. Turns out there are a lot of people wondering if it's possible to eat too many apples. The general consensus is "no," but you may get a stomach-ache from all the acids and tannins. And lots of gas. And diarrhea.


I'm an idiot.